
Oriol Balaguer

Pastry Chef, Chocolatier and Sweet Chef | Oriol Balaguer
Oriol Balaguer


Oriol Balaguer, born in Calafell (Tarragona) on December 7, 1971, was influenced from a young age by his father's chocolate creations. His passion led him to excel as a pastry chef, chocolatier, and dessert cook, as reflected in his book "La Cocina de los Postres" (The Dessert Kitchen). A pioneer in joining a dessert team in a restaurant, he trained at the Barcelona Pastry School and worked in various establishments in Spain and abroad. For seve


Master Workshops | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry

Avant-garde workshop in bakery and pastry. A world of sensations and trends

Eduard Verdaguer
Eduard Verdaguer Panatics Director/Founder Presentador
Lluís Bofill
Lluís Bofill Replicat Presentador
Enric Badía
Enric Badía Forn Elias Master Baker Speaker
Xevi Ramon
Xevi Ramon Triticum Master Baker Speaker
Oriol Balaguer
Oriol Balaguer Oriol Balaguer Pastry Chef, Chocolatier and Sweet Chef Speaker
Fran López
Fran López Villa Retiro Chef Speaker

20-03-2024 16:30 20-03-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Avant-garde workshop in bakery and pastry. A world of sensations and trends

A world of sensations and trends for restoration

Hall 7 | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry, Taste and Talks
Wed 20 16:30h - 18:30h Hall 7 | Coffee, Bakery and Pastry, Taste and Talks

Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
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