
Malwine Steinbock

Managing Strategy Director and Food Scout | Food Republik
Malwine Steinbock


Conference | The Alimentaria Hub

The power of innovation: 3 Keys to success for your next product launches

Malwine Steinbock
Malwine Steinbock Food Republik Managing Strategy Director and Food Scout Speaker

19-03-2024 10:30 19-03-2024 11:15 Europe/Madrid The power of innovation: 3 Keys to success for your next product launches

A Food Scouting journey through the main food and beverage trade shows, to unravel the keys to the success of successful launches and how they manage to connect with the consumer.

Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Agora by Aecoc
Tue 19 10:30h - 11:15h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Agora by Aecoc

Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
Exhibitors and Products Catalogue

The list of exhibiting companies is provisional and is updated constantly, so it is subject to change.


For this reason, we recommend you to check it frequently.
