
Dante Fratebianchi de la Parra

Food Biotechnology Manager | CNTA
Dante Fratebianchi de la Parra


Biotechnologist with more than 10 years of experience in developing fermentation processes to obtain foods and ingredients. He joined CNTA 6 years ago and is currently Head of Food Biotechnology within the R&D area.


Conference | The Alimentaria Hub

Fermented foods: technology and health

Dante Fratebianchi de la Parra
Dante Fratebianchi de la Parra CNTA Food Biotechnology Manager Speaker

20-03-2024 16:15 20-03-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Fermented foods: technology and health

Fermented foods and fermentatively obtained food ingredients have gained popularity due to growing awareness of the health benefits associated with fermentation. For the latter, market forecasts point to worldwide sales growth in the next 10 years. In this presentation we will learn about examples based on scientific studies and we'll focus on the technology as a key factor to developing these products.

Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBank
Wed 20 16:15h - 16:45h Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBank

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