Horeca Stories Logo
Solutions, innovation and success stories

We share with you different initiatives of professionals specialised in the HORECA channel.

Rodrigo Domínguez


Journalist, director of Barra de ideas and passionate about Latin America

Marta Renovales


Journalist specializing in hospitality and gastronomy, in charge of the digital hospitality magazine Profesional Horeca

Ana Turón


Journalist specializing in communities; responsible for the digital magazine ‘Restauración colectiva’ and the ‘Collective Restoration Congress’

Alfons Pastor


CEO of Grupo Caterdata and more than 30 years of experience in the sector

  • Hotels ·
Hotel architecture and search engines for forgotten spaces
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  • Uncategorized ·
The latest fashions in bars and restaurants: dressed for success
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  • Restaurants ·
Brunch times are expanding
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  • Hotels ·
Intangible parameters for purchasing management in the 21st century
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  • Restaurants ·
Eat You Later: Sell it rather than throwing it away
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  • Equipment ·
A kitchen for every chef: eight personalised projects
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Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
Exhibitors and Products Catalogue

The list of exhibiting companies is provisional and is updated constantly, so it is subject to change.


For this reason, we recommend you to check it frequently.