
Confectionery: one of the new assets marking the difference in catering

The industry is taking renewed interest in confectionery. Hotel F&B departments, innovation areas and generally those in charge of setting menus in the catering business are placing greater importance on confectionery in their points of sale.

The main advantage of making a firm commitment to confectionery in the new catering concepts, buffets, cafés, etc. generally stems from standing out from the competition, raising the average receipt numbers and achieving greater profitability, but above all the aim is to offer a better customer experience.

An indicator of just how the industry is leaning in this direction comes from Nino Redruello in this month’s new video in Horeca Stories: La Ancha’s search for an executive confectioner for the entire Group. It is an initiative that is complemented by the search for specialised consultants and a gastronomic marketing strategy that has drawn, despite what Nino himself tells us, a flood of confectionery fans to his establishments.

Rodrigo Domínguez (Barra de Ideas Director)


Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
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