
Transforming vegetable by-products into food

The Alimentaria Hub Innovation (R&D&I) and Brands Value

Tuesday 19, 12:15h - 12:45h | Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBank
19-03-2024 12:15 19-03-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Transforming vegetable by-products into food

As the demand for plant-based beverages continues to rise, the surge in production has led to an abundance of nutrient-rich by-products. The Culinary Arts and Gastronomy Research Group at CETT-UB is addressing this challenge by employing innovative methods. Our research focuses on upcycling these by-products into key ingredients for the development of novel vegan products with high nutritional value. This talk will delve into our cutting-edge ap

Hall 5 | The Alimentaria Hub – Innoval Room by CaixaBank

As the demand for plant-based beverages continues to rise, the surge in production has led to an abundance of nutrient-rich by-products. The Culinary Arts and Gastronomy Research Group at CETT-UB is addressing this challenge by employing innovative methods. Our research focuses on upcycling these by-products into key ingredients for the development of novel vegan products with high nutritional value. This talk will delve into our cutting-edge ap


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